Monday 26 December 2016

The Little Owls' hole in the lime tree near the Henry Moore sculpture seems to have been occupied by a Rose-Ringed Parakeet.

It seems odd that the owls didn't defend their territory, and it may just be that they were elsewhere when the parakeet got in, and will reclaim the hole when they return.

The female owl near the Albert Memorial was securely in possession of her hole, though this pair have had their own problems with Stock Doves, and indeed two of these were in the tree at the time.

This is one of the large colony of Wrens at the east end of the Serpentine. They may be seen in the Dell, on the bit of scrubby ground between the Dell and the lake, and in the reed bed and the floating reed rafts.

At this time of year Long-Tailed Tits are of no fixed abode, and you can find flocks of them moving around anywhere in the park.

Blue Tits often follow the flocks, but this one was in its usual place in the leaf yard.

So was this Coal Tit ...

... and one of the resident pair of Nuthatches.

Beside the Serpentine, Black-Headed Gulls were clustering round someone who was throwing food in the air.

This one paused to have a preen in a puddle in the horse track.

I couldn't get the ring number before it flew off. But this one beside the Long Water, shaking out its wings after preening, is our old friend EY09813 which returns to exactly the same place every year.

A Great Crested Grebe at the Lido was also preening ...

... and a Mute Swan was having a typically violent wash.

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